Saturday, September 22, 2012

You don't need to say it. I know I haven't posted in a long time, and I know that the 3 people reading this are probably very sad. BUT, on my bright side, I have lots of photography photos to post so at least I wasn't doing nothing during my short blog break. 

Also, I just wanted to say that there are going to be lots of new posts on my book blog coming up. If you're a bookworm like me, go and check it out! I know that I usually drone on and on about the random updates on my life here, but since I'm tired and don't have much to say, just enjoy! 

 I know this isn't exactly photography, but I saw this cat while I was walking, and I couldn't resist! (P.S. If you're wondering, I DID check his/her collar, and the address on the collar was the house right in front of me, so he/she is not lost!)


  1. Hey I am blog hoping LOL :D
    Interesting blog ^.^

    I am now following you.

    Follow me back at:

    Thanks, Have a nice day ! :D

  2. I really love the flower photography!




My photo
hey it's Emily and I read books and sometimes I even sleep(do I really????). This is where you can see reviews on all my latest reads and if you like what you see, you may go ahead and follow. If you don't what you see, go away because I don't like you.