Tuesday, February 5, 2013

8 tracks

Recently, I made an 8 tracks account! If you don't already know what that is, it's a website where people post personalized playlists of songs for you to listen to.

I know I've been doing playlists on my blog, but from now on, I'll be doing them on there!

My first playlist is already up, so if you'd like to take a gander at my musical taste, please go ahead and check it out. Also, please follow me! Since I'm only following two people, I'll be open to looking for new accounts.

Signing up for 8 tracks is like rediscovering music all over again, so I strong suggest you make an account(it's free!). So far, it's been a blast seeing everyone's differing song choices and adding them to your tune knowledge.

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hey it's Emily and I read books and sometimes I even sleep(do I really????). This is where you can see reviews on all my latest reads and if you like what you see, you may go ahead and follow. If you don't what you see, go away because I don't like you.