Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hey everyone! Since school recently started, I decided 'Hey Emily! Let's do a back to school playlist!' I know that these are not the most exciting to read, but since I don't exactly have a picture to post I decided to make a playlist. Also, I've been itching to do another since I made my last one. Since it hasn't been that long since my last playlist, this one is going to be short and sweet. Also, I know that my posts dates are super random so I've decided to at least post once a week. I know that isn't very much, but since school is starting, I'm going to have less time. My goal is to do twice a week, but I want to do at least one. So enough of rambling from me, here is my back to school playlist!
This song is weird but in a super really good way. It's one of my favorites!(Okay..all of them are my favorites)
If this song sounds familiar, it was in a Victoria Secret commercial so that's why. It's...such a good song!
Warning: This is classical music! For some unknown reason, I really like it now. Yo-Yo Ma is such a good cello player!
I'm going to be completely honest, I don't 'love' this song but I do really like it! And either way, Regina Spektor is amazing.
Such a good song. And, just saying, Queen of the Stone Age is such an amazing band name. 
I love this song. I haven't listened to it that much, but I will. PLEASE PLEASE click here and download his EP for free! (P.S. He was on the summer collab channel CollabAtSea! THR33lives is his Youtube channel)

I know this was extremely short, but here are my favorites songs as of today! Soon, I'll be doing a 'Favorite Songs of All Time' playlist!

And remember, I love you all♥

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hey it's Emily and I read books and sometimes I even sleep(do I really????). This is where you can see reviews on all my latest reads and if you like what you see, you may go ahead and follow. If you don't what you see, go away because I don't like you.